Step 1: Go to and create an account.
Step 2: Go to "New Map", and when your new map is created, title it. Then, on the right side, set Visibility to Public. This is imperative. You may need to verify your email for this. Next, click Save.
Step 3: Add points to your map by clicking on the Point of Interest Icon on the left sidebar, and clicking where you want the point to be. You can also add a title, description, image, icon, or color to the point.
Make sure that when you add your Google Doc Link it is available to everyone (Visibility should be public, and on VIEW, not Edit.)
Step 4: After you have completed your map, click Save. Then, click on Map, and click on Embed on Website under Share. Check an extra box titled "Responsive." Copy the text under "Code" (this will be pasted later.)
Step 5: Send an email to with the Subject as "(Your Project Title) MapHub Embed (Your Name)", and with the content solely being the text you copied on MapHub and your project title.
You're done! Congratulations. NOTE: If you would like to make changes to your map after you send me it, feel free. They will be auto-added onto the website, so no need to worry about losing some of your content.